About SGW
About us
Simply green is a renowned service provider in the tourism and natural resources development sector in Eastern Africa.
The company has been operating in Kenya for about 10 years, initially operating as sole proprietorship and incorporated as a limited company in 2015. The company employs well researched on, tested and proven strategies to sustainably develop natural resources in developing countries’ landscapes. We basically equate a dollar to a unit natural resource in our quest to enhance customer satisfaction, and pay for ecosystem services.
Simply Green Worldwide employs skills developed through many years’ experience in hospitality and natural resources management across many countries in developing world. From South Pacific to Rwanda in Eastern Africa, we have developed products that fill the gaps left by the classical tourism service providers and optimize customer satisfaction while conserving the ecosystems and enhancing sustainable livelihoods of the local people. The SGW team was involved in designing ecotourism lodges and helped community members establish wildlife management areas in Papua New Guinea’s Western Province.
SGW Focus
Our Values
Preservation of biological diversity, ecosystems, and natural places is critical for survival of human, plants, and animals alike through provision clean air and water, fertile soil, a stable climate, food, recreational opportunities and natural beauty. SGW team realizes the importance of preserving our environment, cultural diversity and plays an active role in supporting the local communities.
SGW builds partnerships with local communities, and facilitates participatory resource use planning. SGW work with the communities includes skills development, enhancing appropriate capacity development, facilitation of effective governance and institutional strengthening, hands-on experience, and other forms of support.
Sustainable, low impact nature based economic activities including ecotourism and other eco-enterprises.
Thorough research in contemporary natural resources management issues.
Mitigation and minimization of the Natural resources management challenges through community based initiatives.
Promotion of conservation Agriculture in community land around the conservation Frontiers.